Operation Join Forces

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Combining Resources Because

Seth was living in his car as he helped lead worship in various churches

Tim was living on the streets before Operation Join Forces got him an apartment

Tonya is currently couch surfing with her mentally disabled daughter, borrowing a car from a friend; needs health insurance, employment, and an apartment

Making sure Esther doesn't end up on the New York streets with her children.

We provide small women shelters with groceries

Laura fell on really hard times after being a serious victim of human trafficking. She is willing to work for donations to help with the cost of living so she doesn't end up on the street. We need to send her more aid, please pray.

At Operation Join Forces, the Founder's goal (me, Darya) is to join forces and combine resources with believers to help the most desperate in America. I help them any way I can but, the focus is on first month's rent so he/she can find employment, if they don't need a ride to rehab first. Suicide and self-medication are common among homeless people because they are ignored. Be a sponsor, give, or participate in our fundraising events to be a part of this amazing move of God.

I believe that we should live as they lived in Acts 4:32, however, because it is a rare occurance, I turned my attention to those living on the streets. Visit my Pateron page to become a sponsor, and give through Cash App or Paypal. 




P.S. I have a free class preparing you for your wife/husband, if you're interested go to THIS LINK.